It's a Wrap (the year, that is!)

The year is quickly coming to an end. If you’re like me, most of this week will be spent reflecting on what you loved about 2015. And a large part of it will be spent focusing on what you’d like to do differently in 2016.  

I’ve never been big on making New Year’s resolutions because they often turn out to be New Year’s failures. I’d have good intentions of sticking to reading my Bible more, being more of a servant, and offering forgiveness. And I’d always make this resolution—the BEST one (the one I bet you’ve made and will make again this year): to eat better and lose weight!

There’s nothing wrong with making these resolutions, but I was tired of being disappointed when I didn’t stick to them. So last year at this time I asked myself, Why I have been unsuccessful? How can I do what I set out to do in 2015?

You can read how I did it here,  but the gist of the story is this: I set realistic expectations and I just made up my mind to stick to my resolutions. I would to do it FOR ME, no one else. I think that was a key to my success because lasting changes only come when we are committed to it for ourselves and not for someone else!  

The results? I researched better ways to eat and exercise and I have had the weight loss success this year. I have my time with the Lord every day, which has strengthened my relationship with Him. I was more of a servant this year by giving more of my time and resources than I even knew I had. And I’ve forgiven, even when I didn't want to (which is the point, I guess!). All in all, I’m a better person for it all.

Now, I am ready to start the year helping you find success in 2016 through this ministry called A Walk With God. And it feels so good! Call your resolutions what you want: a decision, a change, a choice or moving forward. I found that success came to me by resolving to change for me. I pray you know that same success can come to you—it’s in there, you just have to decide to do it.

So goodbye 2015 and hello 2016! Here’s to a better you, a better me!

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