How It All Started

How it all started

In January 2015 I made a decision to "get healthy.”  While I’ve never really struggled with my weight, I have struggled with being healthy. And, I had this pesky 12 pounds that I just couldn’t get rid of after the birth of my twins, babies #6 and #7. 

I was frustrated with the way I looked, but mostly with how I felt: low energy, unable to rest, and battling with anxiety. I made excuses and would tell myself that’s what happens when you’re older (I had just turned 46). I almost believed the lie that this was the "new" me. This attitude made me feel powerless.

Knowledge is power

I couldn't allow myself to be content with this deception without even an attempt to make a change. Believing that knowledge is power, I went to the One who is all powerful (God) and asked Him for guidance, something I hadn’t thought to do when it came to my health. He led me to start with research. I took the whole month of January (2015) to research answers to these questions: What should I eat and what should I never eat? How do I lose this belly fat? How important is exercise, really? Can I find healthy replacements for some of my favorite unhealthy foods? 

Changing what I ate came first

In February (2015) I started to gradually make adjustments to my eating habits. I learned to read labels and avoid processed foods. I added more fresh fruits and vegetables to my diet. No exercise yet; this was to be a lifestyle, not a quick fix. I wanted to be comfortable with each change before making another. I knew I couldn't and shouldn't change EVERYTHING at once.

Then I had to move my body

By mid-March (2015) I started walking every day. Since I am not a fan of exercise, I had to make it about something bigger. I chose to make it about worship!  I met with my Heavenly Father each morning and that was my motivation. I would pray and pour my heart out to Him. I found this time to be about growing spiritually more than physically. Walking became my prayer altar in motion.

Results don't lie

My body + mind + spirit changed forever. The knowledge I gathered empowered me; I no longer felt trapped by my poor eating habits. My spirit was renewed each day on my walk, and my relationship with God deepened. Guess what else was different—my clothes were getting too big! The changes I made to my eating and exercise habits allowed me to lose a total of 15 pounds in 4 months. Six years later, I’ve kept the weight off and have been able to manage my anxiety without prescription drugs.



And now it's about helping other women

In January 2016 we officially formed A WALK WITH GOD ministry! We’re not only a support group that meets each week, we’re a community of women with total well-being as our focus through body + mind + spirit. 

Keep in touch by following along on my personal Instagram page. My book, A Walk With God, is also now available for purchase. God is slowly taking this mama out of her comfort zone and reminding her that He qualifies the called, not calls the qualified. I am humbled to serve. Thank you for visiting our website.