Here We Go!

As I am writing this post, I am teary eyed. I’m sitting in a quiet hotel room in Atlanta, Georgia, realizing that God really is putting together this ministry—A Walk With God. 

He called me for 10 years, I just didn’t say YES. And then it changed. He took me to the point where saying no or allowing myself to repeatedly be distracted just couldn't happen any longer. He broke me and stripped me of myself. 

I realized my fear about saying yes was ultimately all about my pride which said, “I can't!” and “NOT ME!” and “I don't know what to do, what to say, to whom to minister…” It went on and on until I realized all of those excuses were just me getting in the way of what God wanted to do with my life. 

I can’t beat myself up too badly because I know God has called me to do what He knows is hard for me; He is stretching me outside my comfort zone and asking me to do what feels impossible. 

I am ordinary, there is nothing special about me. But God keeps reminding me that those are the types of people he loves to use. And as I put my life in God's hands and give Him all the control, He will do great things through me! I am powerless on my own and need Him to literally take my next step.

God also reminded me that He desires obedience over sacrifice. Volunteering at church, making meals for a new family or someone who is sick, or teaching Awanas are all good things. They are a sacrifice of time and resources, but I’m learning they were also a distraction from complete obedience to God’s call on my life.

So, here we go! It’s time to put pride aside and fulfill what God has called me to do. I pray you will find strength, encouragement and comfort in A Walk With God—our website, our Facebook page and our walking groups.

I’d love to have you on this journey with me. You can get all the details here.

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