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My Reward

Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him.

Psalm 127:3

Last week we celebrated child #5, Dekker, turning the “Big 7”—and we threw a party!

I’m not sure why we haven't celebrated his birthday with his friends before now. Maybe because February comes and it feels like we’ve just had Christmas. Or it’s the unpredictable weather. Maybe it’s because he’s the fifth of seven children, or just that I’m getting old. But I think it has more to do with his sweet disposition. Let me explain.

Dekker has brown eyes - my only child with eyes like me! Just another reason he’s special ;)

Dekker has a servant’s heart. A word of encouragement sent his way only feeds his desire to help. When I thank him for helping me in any way, he is eager to keep going and do even more. I love this about him. He gives a lot without expecting much in return.

Dekker is our quiet child, which makes him unique from all the others. He values being seen and not heard. While this can be a blessing for a parent, I have learned I have to draw Dekker out of his shell so he IS heard, by asking him questions and then waiting for him to decide when and how he wants to answer. If I am not careful, he can get overlooked. I have to listen closely when he speaks up or I don’t hear his non-challenging voice.

Every birthday party he attends he seems to always ask, “When can I have a party like that?” UGH. Having a birthday party this year was so important. I wanted him to know I finally HEARD him.

We celebrated big, but nothing fancy. Lots of friends came to celebrate with Dekker. Although he doesn’t desire to be in the spotlight, he loved sharing this moment with people that mean a lot to him. And I witnessed him sharing in a sweet way as he opened his presents.

The kids sat around Dekker as he opened his presents. His friend Klaire started to open the gift she brought for him. While one of the other children tried to reprimand her, Dekker sat patiently as she tore open the paper and then handed the gift to him. In her soft, sweet voice she said, “This is for you, Dekker.” He smiled and looked right at her and said, “Thank you!” Never once did he act like it bothered him that he didn’t get to open the gift. Dekker was patient to allow her the joy of tearing into the package.

When I told Dekker Klaire was coming to his party, he was so excited and yelled, “Klaire’s AWESOME!”

I am learning that quiet children are exceptional; they have a lot to offer. Dekker isn’t pushy and insistent. Dekker sees what I would never see, like the importance of letting his friend open his gift.

Dekker’s party taught me a valuable life lesson. I’m recommitting to be a better listener. To make time to talk to Dekker and give him a chance to talk to me. To ask God to help me shape his servant’s heart. To be mindful and aware of what makes him tick and to consistently find value in ALL people.

God has something special for this sweet boy. I am honored that God chose me to be the mom of such a gentle child. Dekker’s position as #5 was by design. He is a special gift from the Lord.

Because of Christ,



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