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Last week was one I’d rather not repeat. Ever.

Powerless doesn’t even begin to describe how I felt as we lost our sweet dog Ava who was almost 12 years old. Watching her struggle in her final days left me feeling so sad. Knowing I’d have to let go and make the dreaded decision to put her down caused me to feel so powerless because I couldn’t save her from her pain and keep her with me.

Losing Ava made me think about other times I have felt powerless. That’s a big way to describe trivial things like doing the dishes when I am so tired at night, but the feeling is real. And then I thought about the other legit times I’ve endured with God’s strength in even bigger situations. And I’m sure you can relate.

Like last year. Before I started my journey to better health. I didn’t have a ton of weight to lose, but I knew I’d have to change so much to get healthy. I didn’t know how to get started, so I did some research. I was overwhelmed by all the information out there! How could I ever comprehend everything and apply it to my life?  But Jesus empowered me and I endured. And A Walk With God was born.

And then there was that day I found out at age 43 that I was pregnant with twins, babies #6 and #7. Talk about feeling powerless. I thought, How could I carry two babies with my medical history? Would I have the energy to take care of them? Jesus empowered me and I endured. They are three years old, healthy, and happy.

In the midst of my chaos last December, I felt so powerless when God asked me to open my heart and home to a foreign exchange student. Jesus empowered me and I endured. And Ian is such a blessing to our family.

Two years ago my daughter announced she would be studying abroad the following semester —in Italy! And she’ll spend this summer in Cambodia on a mission trip. As a mother, I feel powerless knowing one of my chicks wants to leave the domestic nest. But with Jesus I am empowered and I will endure through prayer for her protection like I did when she was in Italy.

And here’s a big one: spending alone time with the Lord. I used to feel divided with my time every day—everyone got it except me and God. I yearned for time alone with Him, but at the end of the day I’d realize I hadn’t had devotions or prayer. And then I felt guilty AND powerless. Good times. But Jesus empowered me to endure in pursuit of his word. I now set an appointment with God and spend time with Him in my war room where He has unlocked the prayer warrior inside of me.

Here’s what I’ve learned: when I walk through life on my own, I AM powerless. But God’s word has shown me that apart from Him, I can do nothing (John 15:5). God’s promises assure me that I don’t have to feel powerless—He has given me all the tools and resources I need to be successful. I just have to use them.

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.

2 Corinthians 12:9

Feeling powerless is real—and last week it was never more real than when we said goodbye to Ava. But I learned I don’t need to stay there. It’s in those moments I’m reminded that God’s word and his grace are sufficient. And that’s enough for me.

Let Jesus empower you to endure this week,



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Sweet Ava as a puppy