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Have you ever had to trust God for something big, really big? So big, in fact, you would call it a miracle? When you look at it you might even be tempted to think that it was so impossible, why even ask?

This was my situation in December. We have faced so many financial hardships in the past seven years, I really didn’t think it could get any worse. But, it did. My husband came to me in November and shared that the bank sent him a letter that they would be auctioning our house off on the courthouse steps January 14, 2016.

This hit me really hard! It was that moment where I was in the now, but I felt like I was having an out of body experience. I was hoping I was dreaming. That day in that exact moment I knew God was going to have to show up big time. I remember tears welling up in my eyes and having the feeling of “How in the world will you fix this?” I was on the computer that evening and He literally dropped a video of the song “I Look to You” right in my lap (well, my laptop). I listened to this song with tears streaming down my face. God was reminding me that when all MY strength is gone, I can look to Him.

That gave me the strength I needed to go into the “war room” the next morning and start my next faith journey. From that moment on I never doubted God was going to save my home—never, not one time. I looked to Him and his word and I claimed his promises every day. Mark 11:23 was very literal to me:

The debt we owed on our missed house payments was huge. It would take a miracle for us to get caught up. But God started taking care of things at the end of December. My husband is a realtor and had two closings—one was his biggest ever! And God used some of our closest and dearest friends who knew our situation to bless us with financial gifts that eventually made up the difference.

We counted up all the money we had and we were within $1,000 of having it all. I looked at my husband and told him all this money doesn’t belong to us; we needed to tithe on it. Though it would put us $2,000 away from what we needed, we felt God was testing us to see if we would be tempted by fear to stop trusting Him. I knew in my heart He had brought us this far so He would see us through to the end. With all my heart I wanted to pass the test. So that night at our Christmas Eve candlelight service, we willingly gave the Lord what was rightfully His.

We needed all the money by Monday, December 28. I wasn’t desperate; I continued to faithfully pray like I did every day and thanked Him for answering our prayer and meeting our need.

Just when we thought we had all the money, we realized we owed an additional $800 for taxes and fees. It felt like we were taking two steps forward and three steps back! But God’s timing is always perfect.

I heard a knock at the door on Saturday. It was my dear friend’s husband standing there and he handed me an envelope. I questioned him, to which he had no answers, just that he was running an errand for his wife. I slowly shut the door and leaned against it. I could feel my heart beating in my chest. I couldn’t open it right away so I walked to the kitchen.

Slowly, I pulled out the crisp $100 bills. I started to count them: one…two…three…four…five…six…seven…..EIGHT! It was exactly what we needed—our miracle was complete! The tears just fell from my eyes as I worshiped my mighty, awesome God and thanked Him. To think the day after we celebrated the miracle of his birth I was celebrating the miracle of his faithfulness!

Oh, how He cares for you and me! We had every dollar we needed earlier than we needed it! I had passed the test of choosing faith over fear. What He is continually showing me is that apart from Him, I can do nothing. It is not a question of IF He will take care of me, the question is, Will I have the faith to believe He will do what He says He will do?

Only a handful of people closest to us knew about our situation. They prayed for us. They helped us. We’ve been blessed by them sharing that watching us go through this has increased their faith. I suppose that is really the point in all of this. When we let God be the Lord of our lives and trust Him regardless of what the world says, not only are WE blessed by his “timely” answers to our prayers, but those who are watching us live out what we “say” we believe are also blessed.

I admit I haven't always been transparent in my life because it’s hard. But who hasn't struggled? I don’t always get it right, but one of the great things about our patient Lord is He always seems willing to give me another chance to try it again! As hard as is to understand our struggle, on the other side of it, I see it as a gift. I desire to be a woman of faith as God’s word instructs me in Romans 1:17:




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